Turkesterone and Ecdysterone Stack

Protocol for Researching the Turkesterone and Ecdysterone Stack:

Turkesterone – For research purposes only, 1 capsule daily.

Ecdysterone – For research purpoess only, 1 capsule daily.


Turkesterone is a phytoecdysteroid found in numerous plant species, including Ajuga turkestanica, various Vitex species, Triticum aestivum, and Rhaponticum acaule. Laboratory studies in rodents have not identified anabolic effects.


20-Hydroxyecdysone (ecdysterone or 20E) is a naturally occurring ecdysteroid hormone which controls the ecdysis (moulting) and metamorphosis of arthropods. It is therefore one of the most common moulting hormones in insects, crabs, etc. It is also a phytoecdysteroid produced by various plants, including Cyanotis vaga, Ajuga turkestanica and Rhaponticum carthamoides where its purpose is presumably to disrupt the development and reproduction of insect pests. In arthropods, 20-hydroxyecdysone acts through the ecdysone receptor. Although mammals lack this receptor, 20-hydroxyecdysone affects mammalian biological systems. 20-Hydroxyecdysone is an ingredient of some supplements that aim to enhance physical performance. In humans, it is hypothesized to bind to the estrogen receptor beta (ERβ) protein-coding gene.

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