HGH Fragment and CJC-1295 Spray

Protocol for Researching HGH Fragment and CJC-1295 Spray:

For research purposes only, 7 sprays daily.

HGH Fragment 176-191 is the end of the 191-amino acid Human Growth Hormone molecular chain. GH is a hormone produced by the pituitary. HGH is the synthetic version produced in a lab; both are comprised of the same 191-amino acid chain. GH, in particular elevated levels through the use of HGH have long been associated with fat loss. They have also been associated with increases in muscularity, recovery and a host of health and anti-aging benefits. For HGH Fragment 176-191, the concentration of action is only on the adipose fat cells, specifically by increasing lipolitic action.

HGH Fragment 176-191 has been shown to be such an effective fat loss tool it actually inhibits the formation of lipids and fatty acids. Equally important, as it is only a portion of the full GH hormone, the issues of hyperglycemia often associated with HGH use are absent. This means there is no blood sugar issues as can occur at times with HGH.


CJC-1295 markedly increases plasma growth hormone (GH) and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) levels in both animals and humans. With a single injection, in human subjects, CJC-1295 increases plasma GH levels by 2- to 10-fold for 6 days or longer and plasma IGF-1 levels by 0.5- to 3-fold for 9 to 11 days. The drug has an estimated half-life of about 6 to 8 days in humans. With multiple doses of CJC-1295, IGF-1 levels were found to remain elevated in humans for up to 28 days.

CJC-1295 has been shown to extend the half-life and bioavailability of growth-hormone-releasing hormone 1-29 and stimulate insulin-like growth factor 1 secretion. It increases the half-life of acting agents by bioconjugation.

CJC-1295 was under investigation for the treatment of lipodystrophy and growth hormone deficiency and reached phase II clinical trials but was discontinued upon the death of one of the trial subjects. The attending physician of the trial believed that the most likely explanation for the incident was that the patient had asymptomatic coronary artery disease with plaque rupture and occlusion, and that the occurrence was unrelated to treatment with CJC-1295. Research was terminated nonetheless as a precaution. CJC-1295 has found grey market use for bodybuilding purposes, with this, in some countries such as the Netherlands, being an illicit use.

Get the HGH Fragment and CJC-1295 spray here